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 1. Grace Church Sunday Services Unto You 8-10-03  Excerpts from August 10-24, 2003  
 2. Don Riggs Reading, hosted by Tom Devaney  Reading, hosted by Tom Devaney; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 3. Don Riggs Reading, hosted by Tom Devaney  Reading, hosted by Tom Devaney; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 4. Erik Sweet Reading, hosted by Tom Devaney  Reading, hosted by Tom Devaney; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 5. Erik Sweet Reading, hosted by Tom Devaney  Reading, hosted by Tom Devaney; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 6. Erik Sweet, Kathy Lou Schultz, Don Riggs and Tom Devaney Reading, hosted by Tom Devaney  Reading, hosted by Tom Devaney; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 7. Erik Sweet, Kathy Lou Schultz, Don Riggs and Tom Devaney Reading, hosted by Tom Devaney  Reading, hosted by Tom Devaney; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 8. Eric Keenaghan Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock  Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 9. Chris Toll Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs  Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 10. Eric Keenaghan Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock  Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 11. Mariana Ruiz Firmat, Buck Downs, Chris Toll, Betsy Fagin, David Kirschenbaum and Greg Fuchs Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs  Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 12. Mariana Ruiz Firmat, Buck Downs, Chris Toll, Betsy Fagin, David Kirschenbaum and Greg Fuchs Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs  Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 13. Greg Fuchs Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs  Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 14. Laura Smith Reading, hosted by Mytili Jagannathan  Reading, hosted by Mytili Jagannathan; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 15. Greg Fuchs Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs  Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 16. Ish Klein Reading, hosted by Molly Russakoff  Reading, hosted by Molly Russakoff; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 17. Kazim Ali Reading, hosted by Mytili Jagannathan  Reading, hosted by Mytili Jagannathan; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 18. Laura Smith Reading, hosted by Mytili Jagannathan  Reading, hosted by Mytili Jagannathan; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 19. Kyle Conner Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock  Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 20. Kyle Conner Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock  Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 21. Betsy Fagin Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs  Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 22. Eileen Myles, Kaia Sand, Jules Bykoff, John Coletti, Fran Ryan, Kyle Conner and Frank Sherlock Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock  Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 23. Betsy Fagin Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs  Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 24. David Kirschenbaum Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs  Reading, hosted by Greg Fuchs; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 25. Kazim Ali Reading, hosted by Mytili Jagannathan  Reading, hosted by Mytili Jagannathan; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 26. Kaia Sand Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock  Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 27. Kaia Sand Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock  Reading, hosted by Frank Sherlock; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 28. Bob Gallagher Reading, hosted by Molly Russakoff  Reading, hosted by Molly Russakoff; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 29. Katherine Folk-Sullivan Reading, hosted by Chris McCreary  Reading, hosted by Chris McCreary; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
 30. Ish Klein, Daniel Labeau, Bob Gallagher, Allie D'Augustine, Michael D.-Azreal, Elizabeth Scanlon and Molly Russakoff Reading, hosted by Molly Russakoff  Reading, hosted by Molly Russakoff; The Philly Sound: New Poetry Weekend, August 9, 2003  
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